The patient Journey

At we will take care of YOU and we will support you in any possible way during all the phases of the treatments.

You will receive detailed instructions and a timing to be strictly followed, in order to get the best results.

Please see as an example the ‘guide’ we give to those who undergo a FIVET/ICSI treatment (including the oocyte pick up moment).

Phase 1: preparation of treatment

Perform all the preliminary
diagnostic tests

Fill in and sign the informed consent and collect the identification documents of both the partners


Please send to the email address both the results of the diagnostics tests and the informed consent, signalling the MDS in charge for your treatment (or come to the centre taking with you all the above mentioned documents)


The MD writes down the plan of therapy and send to the couple throug an encripted email (that you will be able to open using the fiscal code of the recipient)


The couple gest the drugs included in the plan of therapy: we are now all ready to start!


Phase 2: stimulation


The patient calls the centre/the MD in charge on the first day of menstrual flow (DAY 1) to receive the instructions the couple needs. (If the flow starts during the evening or on Sundays, please call the following day)


The MD will provide the couple with a detailed therapy. You can fill in the following table

Day 1                         
Day 2   
Day 3  
Day 4   
Day 5  
Day 6   

Please note that you should try to have the injections during evening times and every day at the same time.


Monitoring: you will need to perform a blood test to dose E2 (you can have breakfast!); you will need to have a transvaginal ultrasound to monitor the follicular growth (maximum diameters); when you come for having your first ultrasound, you will receive the first invoice for the payment of the deposit. On the same day, normally between 3 and 4 pm, you have to call the nurse to get the adjustment of the therapy or its confirmation.

External monitoring results have to be given to the MD in charge for the treatment before 3 pm, to let the MD check and tune the therapy.


Phase 3: pick-up and transfer


You will receive detailed pre surgery instructions, please follow them carefully; the male partner needs 3-4 days without ejaculating; the female partner will be 3 hours of ‘day hospital’; during this period of time the male partner has to be available; you will receive the final invoice (if you want to pay through bank trasnfer, you can do it just letting us know)


The day after the oocytes pick up, you have to contact the centre late in the morning, to get the fertilizations of the oocytes.


Day 3 ‘standard’ embryo transfer

Pregnancy test after 14 days

Day 5 Blastocyst transfer (+500 € will be invoiced)

Pregnancy test after 12 days


Transfer instructions: both the female partner and the male partner have to come to the center, with a valid personal identity card (or equivalent); you will be in the center for more or less 1 hour; no fasting needed (if sedation is not specifically required for your transfer); you have to keep assuming all the drugs included in the therapy that the MD has given you, until the pregnancy test day.


Pregnancy test: please note that we need you to wait the correct day in which we asked you to perform the test; the test has to be done on blood and not on urine; please perform the test even if you are experiencing any kind of bleeding or spotting; as soon as you have the results, please contact us to get medical instructions on how to go on with your therapy.